Thursday, June 14, 2012


There hasn't been much progress on the game lately, mainly due to the lack of time and also because of me having to study the gameplay mechanics of Diablo III :P.
I am currently considering some changes for the direction I am heading with this, because nothing is really worked out at the moment. There is a basic dungeon layout generator and some netcode and that's about it. There is an overall idea of the feel and the theme of the game, but I have a hard time figuring out how to make it interesting gameplay-wise. I first wanted to have point&click controls like in Diablo, but now I think I want it to be much more fast paced like an action adventure.

Because nothing happend on this blog for over a month now, I made this little rendering, showing the first "axe"-weapon for the game:



  1. I wonder if you will ever continue making the game . . . I sent you a private message on Halo Sprites Forums , since it is private I can ' t tell more . . . in fact it ' s about coins , because you probably need coins in your game .

    1. It seems like I didn't receive notification e-mails from that forum. I am sorry about that.

      I actually did some work on the game lately. I tried out some gameplay using the Unity3d engine, which I might switch to, because it makes life so much easier :)

      We haven't decided on a "currency", yet. The game is still very much in a planning phase and it's creeping slowly towards becoming "something".

  2. Ho and I also don 't agree , this is probably the first blunt weapon of the game . An axe deal cut damages and looks . . . like an axe . But it ' s okay if you class it as a axe weapon , I just gave my opinion .

    1. Yeah, we wanted the game to have that heavy metal theme attached to it, so we adapted the commonly used slang term "axe" for a guitar.

      But you're right, it should probably look a lot more like this:

  3. then keep up the good work .
    I ' m a little confused ; will the game be 2 d or 3 d ?
    Because in the previous videos and screenshots it looked like a 2 d game , but with that picture and also what you mentioned earlier on H S F and the here , it seems to be a 3 d game .

    I did not know that axe is a slang for the word guitar ! Thank you for the information . I ' m Quebecker so I only know the slangs from Qc french .

    1. I did the rendering just for fun. It's essentially 2D graphics arranged in a 3D environment.
      The game will be in 2D though.
